Super stellar work!
Super stellar work!
Y'all f#ckin on dis one.
So fireeeee
Indeed ♪ヽ(・ˇ∀ˇ・ゞ)
Turkey day front page.
Eating good tonight, Homie~
Get that front page homiesssss
Duel vocals + flutes is really nice.
Good shit y'all.
This piece has some of your neatest sound textures.
The chimes make my eyes itch. Big fan.
subliminal messages have me craving a 4pc...
Oh damnnnn.
This hot AF.
Y'all poppin off with this one.
Kicken it like no other!!
*PS I really like Siamang Gibbons. Especially Xhabu and Bog.
Freelance artist and animator.
Creator of Egodiver
“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.” ― Basho
Age 24
Freelance artist
Hell if I know !
Joined on 12/5/18